Investment Banking
Forvis Mazars offers professional and experienced investment banking guidance. Grow your financial institution the right way with Forvis Mazars.
M&A Advisory Services
Mergers and acquisitions are a viable option to meet growth and earnings objectives for today’s successful community bank.
Fairness Opinions
We work with legal counsel, independent accountants, and other professionals to formulate fairness opinions that support a specific transaction.
Strategic Alternative Assessments
Strategic discussions to help clients focus their efforts on specific goals, objectives, and timeframes.
Capital Planning & Private Placements
Realistic strategies for attracting public and private capital resources to support growth opportunities and to meet regulatory expectations.
Stock Valuations
Stock valuations are integral components of M&A assignments, as institutions seek to understand their market value.
Due Diligence Assistance
A financial institution’s assets, or pool of assets, can be evaluated either onsite or offsite utilizing secure technology.
our services
Grow Your Financial
Institution the Right Way
We understand that challenges are inevitable in any M&A opportunity and it’s sometimes difficult to keep a clear vision when personally invested. Let us be the voice of experience and reason to assist you in creating the right M&A strategy to overcome those challenges, and improve your chances for a successful and profitable transaction.
Merger & Acquisition Advisory Services
Buy-side and sell-side assistance with critical analysis, strategic advice, and input on negotiating strategies.
Sell-side planning & management of the sale process
Assistance with critical analysis, strategic advice, and input on negotiating strategies.
Whole-bank acquisitions & strategic mergers
To be or not to be.
Branch acquisitions & divestitures
To be added.
Non-bank M&A
Non-bank M&A advisory including mortgage companies, RIAs, trust companies, insurance agencies and other non-bank companies.
Fairness Opinions
An independent, professional opinion to validate and support corporate transactions such as a merger or acquisition, stock repurchase, stock issuance, or other capital transactions.
Independent evaluation of the financial terms of a transaction
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Evaluation of pricing formulas
To be or not to be.
Review and assessment of due diligence reports
To be added.
Review of transaction documentation including definitive agreements and ancillary agreements
To be added.
Strategic Alternative Assessments
Strategic Alternative Assessments for institutions of all sizes to align an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
New opportunity exploration
A road map that may include exploring M&A opportunities, or validating the decision to remain independent
Strategic planning and facilitation
Strategic discussions to provide executive management and Boards with sufficient information to make informed decisions.
Capital Planning & Private Placements
Understanding the near-term and long-range capital needs is an essential component of all bank planning scenarios, and M&A transactions can dramatically change the dynamics of an institutions’ capital structure.
Capital Plan Development
We incorporate current regulatory framework, along with a financial institution’s internal capital objectives, into the Capital Plan.
Stock Valuations
A competent valuation of stock and other securities requires a comprehensive and highly-specialized understanding of valuation principles, banking, and approaches to valuing financial institutions.
Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) or other qualified plans
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Stock issuances
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Stock repurchase programs
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Stock options, restricted stock awards and other equit-incentives
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Due Diligence Assistance
Buy-side and sell-side assistance with critical analysis, strategic advice, and input on negotiating strategies.
Comprehensive evaluation and analysis
Comprehensive analyses of loan portfolios, as well as in-depth reviews of investment securities, regulatory and compliance issues, operations, management contracts, and vendor relationships.