Publications – Newsletters & Manuals

Our Education Division offers a wide variety of publications ranging from a quarterly newsletter to a growing list of in-depth manuals on specific topics. Our newsletter, InCompliance, helps keep you informed about recent regulatory pronouncements and current issues, and provides helpful compliance and management tips.

We also publish manuals that are reliable reference guides on topics that are crucial for financial service institutions to understand. Our manuals are written by ProBank Education Services professionals who use “plain English” to educate readers. Manuals are written to complement our educational seminars and are updated routinely to address various aspects of a particular topic including related laws and regulations.

For more information on our publications, contact us at 800-523-4778, Option 1, or


InCompliance – Quarterly Newsletter

Quick Compliance Guide

Annual Threshold Quick Compliance Guide – Updated 2024

Adverse Action Notices Quick Compliance Guides

Advertising Quick Compliance Guide

Human Smuggling Quick Compliance Guide

Human Trafficking Quick Compliance Guide

Regulatory Compliance Training QCG

TRID Quick Compliance Guide


Small Business Data Collection

 2024 CRA for Small Banks

2024 CRA for Intermediate Small Banks

2024 CRA for Large Banks

2024 CRA for Banks over $10 Billion

ACH Processing and Compliance

Advanced TRID

Anti-Money Laundering/Bank Secrecy Act (AML/CFT/BSA) Two-Day Compliance School

Anti-Money Laundering/Bank Secrecy Act (AML/CFT/BSA) Compliance Update

Deposit Documentation

Fair Lending: Detect, Monitor & Exam

Compliance with Deposit Regulations

Lending Compliance 101

Mastering HMDA

Mortgage Lending – Start to Finish

Privacy, Security and Fraud: How to Protect Your Customer

Real Estate Lending Compliance

Social Media Boot Camp

TRID Fundamentals with Workshop