Fair Lending Risk & CRA Compliance

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Item No: FLC-M
Price: $180/$150



The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) and Fair Lending continue to be top compliance priorities for federal regulators. As this focus continues, large, medium and small institutions all may be at risk for rating downgrades, redlining allegations and targeted examinations. This seminar focuses on best practices in risk management and the practicalities of CRA and Fair Lending compliance.

This manual covers not only the basics, but also the intricacies of the CRA and Fair Lending laws and regulations, including current issues and areas of regulatory focus. The manual addresses logistical issues faced by large, small and intermediate small institutions.

Strategic management of lending operations through data collection and analysis is emphasized. Areas of vulnerability are
covered, as are examination procedures and preparation. The benefits of peer comparisons, self-assessments and gap analysis are discussed in realistic, practical terms.

The manual is an excellent resource for future reference.