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Printed Item No: M-RGZ
Price: $395/$345
Electronic Item No: EM-RGZ
Price: $305/$255
The Truth-in-Lending Act, as implementing in Regulation Z, is a primary federal law that imposes numerous requirements on creditors. The basic idea was simple – to explain the cost and terms of credit to consumers, in order to provide clarity to the loan process and to important terms and conditions in the note and any security agreement. Over time, Congress has added requirements to a point where it’s by far the federal lending compliance regulation with the most rules, leading to a complex, overwhelming, and often confusing regulation.
This manual will dive deep in the Regulation Z, both covering open-end and closed-end transactions, unsecured and secured. We will cover fundamental definitions, such as finance charge and APR, as well as disclosures and other protections.
- Coverage
- Definitions and key concepts
- Right of rescission
- Closed-end rules
- TIL Statement and Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure
- HPMLs and High-Cost
- Ability-to-Repay
- Servicing
- Open-end rules
- Personal and HELOCs
- Brief overview of credit cards
- Account-opening disclosures
- Servicing