Mortgage Lending – Start to Finish

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Electronic Item No: EM-MSF
Price: $135/$120

The federal lending compliance rules for mortgage loans have drastically changed within the past few years. No topic was left untouched – everything from application requirements to servicing and collection activities. With these revisions and clarifications – which continue consistently – the financial industry has and will continue to face many challenges.

This manual will cover disclosure requirements for mortgage loans secured by real estate, including the Integrated Mortgage Disclosure requirements (TRID rules), as well as review the other determinations that an institution is required to make for mortgage loans. The manual will bring together the requirements under various lending-related regulations necessary to ensure compliance for closed-end, consumer purpose real estate and dwelling-secured loans.

This manual discusses the disclosures on a timeline beginning when the customer first presents the loan request all the way through closing and after closing. The material is organized in a sequence similar to the way an institution processes a loan.