Introduction to Lending Compliance
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Printed Item No: M-BCL
Price: $250/$220
“Compliance” is fundamental job knowledge for all financial institution personnel. The burden of comprehending the increasing list of federal regulations cannot be effectively placed on just one person or group of people.
Get the best information…first hand. This manual provides an overview of compliance responsibilities
imposed by the major regulations in the lending area, particularly consumer compliance. The manual includes a separate dedicated review of each regulation. Readers learn when a regulation is applicable, the financial institution’s general responsibilities and where additional information can be found to deal with complex issues. It is designed to meet the needs of lending officers and loan administration personnel. It is written at the basic level and is appropriate for those needing an introduction to lending compliance
or more experienced personnel wanting a refresher course.
- Equal Credit Opportunity Act/Regulation B
- Fair Credit Reporting Act
- Truth-in-Lending Act/Regulation Z
- Real Estate Procedures Act
- HMDA/Regulation C
- Flood Disaster Protection Act
- Bank Sales of Insurance
- Talent Amendment (Military Lending Act)
- Unfair, Deceptive or Abusive Acts or Practices (UDAAP)
The manual includes a “plain language” explanation of each regulation covered. Like all our seminar manuals, it is designed to serve as a continuing reference.