Compliance with Appraisal Regulations

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Printed Item No: M-CAR
Price: $155/$140

Electronic Item No: EM-CAR
Price: $105/$90

Obtaining and reviewing appraisals or evaluations are a crucial part of the lending process. This manual will focus on the Federal agencies’ Appraisal Regulations, as supplemented by the Interagency Appraisal and Evaluation Guidelines, which provide a core set of requirements which establish institutions’ appraisal programs and when institutions are required to obtain appraisals.

Although safety and soundness provide the foundation of institutions’ appraisal requirements, compliance regulations may also apply under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act/Regulation B and the Truth-in-Lending Act/Regulation Z. Financial institutions must ensure that they are complying with all applicable rules, which can be contradictory.

This manual will cover: